
開場以非常非常緩慢的節奏進行著,伴隨著不討喜的造型與鏡頭畫面, 一邊磨著我的耐性, 我一邊努力找著這部的看點,

- 「Why he was seen as the odd one while everyone else was considered normal ?」
  (為什麼他是古怪的那一個, 而其他人都被認為是正常的?)
- 「Why did they throw out food when there were children starving in India ?」
  (為什麼在印度孩童挨餓的同時, 人們卻扔掉食物?)
- 「Why did they clear the rainforests when they needed the oxygen ?」
- 「Why did they create bus timetables when they never ran on time ?」
  (為什麼在創設列車時刻表的同時, 車次卻永遠不準時?)

喜歡Max的成長, 學會處理面對Mary信件的心情, 以及最後 Max的原諒:
- 「The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect, and so am I. All humans are imperfect.」
  (我原諒你的理由是因為你不是完美的, 你不完美,而我也一樣. 所有人類都是不完美的.)
- 「People often confuse me but I try not to let them worry me. I find humans interesting but I have trouble understanding them.」
  (人們總會令我感到費解但我努力不讓他們影響我. 我覺得人類很有意思但我總是無法理解他們.)

喜歡Max心理醫生Dr.Bernard Hazelhof給他的啟示:
- 「If I was on a desert island, then I would have to get used to my own company, just me and the coconuts. I would have to accept myself, my warts and all.」
- 「Everyone's lives are like a very long sidewalk. Some are well paved. Others, like mine..have cracks.」
  (每個人的人生都像是一條冗長的道路,有些鋪得很好 有些 像我的..有裂痕)
- 「True friendship is seen through the heart, not through the eyes.」

還有喜歡Max每週六的發明食譜, 除了巧克力熱狗麵包、義大利麵漢堡還有巧克力跳跳糖配可樂~很想要多看一點呢:
- 「Recipes are like mathematical equations. 」 (食譜就像數學方程式)


※ 延伸閱讀:[電影] 2010電影/日劇/動畫 心得回顧
※ 延伸閱讀:★ My Top 10 anime 十大最愛動畫


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